Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fake Minerals

Lecture review 101. For those of you with potentially small attention span, we began talking about the many variables that go into determining what is a mineral. One important key factor that will make it pretty easy to start determining whether or not your working with a mineral is if its a solid or a liquid. I'm sure most of us can determine a solid from a liquid or at least I hope. Other mineral definitions would be if its inorganic and if it is naturally occurring. Basically stating that if there is no human or animal interference with the process of developing the mineral. At least that's what I got from it. And of course crystalline structure and characteristic chemical formula. If we can prove these definitions then we are sure enough working with a mineral. Now if only we can solve this gun control dilemma.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

First of First

It looks like the Australian people might want to get started on that rain dance pretty soon...record breaking heat has the Bureau of Meteorology adding 2 new colors onto the weather map. Currently the map shows temperatures between 40 to 48 degrees Celsius. The new colors pink and purple will reflect temperatures of 50 degrees and over. Wonder how they came up with these colors or who decides on them. Not too drilled on that hot pink. I guess the better question is what our weather forecast will look like for 2013. I know I'm not looking forward to these heat waves. Still the record high was set back in 1960 with temperatures of 50.7 Celsius. For those who aren't to savvy on the whole temp conversion that's a whopping 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Try cooking an egg on those sidewalks! Well enough about the future skin cancers and wildfires will hear about later. I think the Sunscreen companies are probably the only ones looking forward to hot weather. First of first